5th Saturday Phoenix Park

We met another Saturday lucky to have a very good weather and the enthusiasm to tell everything we had done during the week and the little anecdotes lived all along these days.

This week was our turn to make, our 1st stop at the church in Merrion Church so that anyone and those who wanted could go to confession... in Spanish, phew!!! We are learning a lot... But not ready to do that in English, yet! and  Later , we went to Outlands College for our English class: time flew!!! because Audrey is  our teacher and she makes the classes very dynamic . 

After the class, we took the bus all the way to Phoenix Park, we took our bikes there ready for a ride. It was a real adventure using the gears on the bikes!!! , some of us needed to be reminded on how to ride, since it had been a while since we last rode a bike!!! But after a few minutes we were all riding and exploring every path in the park.

We were able to see many things in Phoenix Park:  the American embassy, the papal cross, a prehistoric tomb and even... some deer! We tried to get close enough to touch them , but as there were so many of us, they kept their distance. We were still able to take lots of pictures of them and enjoy the view of such amazing animals in the closest distance ever.

Later we gave our bikes back and headed for the but on our way, what a surprise!! Guille turned up. She came to visit us: Saturday is the day we are all together so we all got to greet her, and tell her so many things.

It's been a fantastic Saturday: we learned learnt so many things, visited new places, and enjoy a whole day together.

Here you have some pictures of the day:


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